
A nagajuban (長襦袢, long juban) is a kimono-like underrobe. Constructed similarly to a kimono

Vintage Silk Nagajyuban – Tachibana

Vintage Silk Nagajyuban – Tachibana


Vintage red colored Silk Nagajyuban with Mandarin flower patterns.

This product has few spots of stains.

This product can be worn as a nightgown, a robe sleepwear and as a modern everyday wardrobe, just like a long cardigan or a jacket to match your jeans and leggings.

Length:  49 inches

Width: 49 inches

Sleeve Length: 24 inches

* Tachibana (English: Mandarin orange, botanical: Citrus tachibana) is an inedible citrus of approximately 6 to 13 ft. in height, grows in dense green branches with young thorns.  In Japan, the leaves and fruit is used in floral motifs and adopted as family crests.  Thought to be brought from the legendary eternal land, tachibana is emphasized in poetry for its evergreen leaves, fragrant blossoms, and jewel-like fruit lasting into winter. Though its flowers bloom "out of season", the leaves and fruit motif of tachibana is commonly seen on lined garments meant for the auspicious occasions like the New Year or Coming of Age. 

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