
A nagajuban (長襦袢, long juban) is a kimono-like underrobe. Constructed similarly to a kimono

Vintage Silk Nagajyuban – Itajime

Vintage Silk Nagajyuban – Itajime


Vintage orange colored Silk Nagajyuban used Itajime dyeing technique.

This product can be worn as a nightgown, a robe sleepwear and as a modern everyday wardrobe, just like a long cardigan or a jacket to match your jeans and leggings.

Length:  53 inches

Width: 51 inches

Sleeve Length: 26 inches



Itajime is a technique of physically resisting dye in order to create patterns.

This fascinating physical resist dye technique records a memory of the folds upon the cloth. As layers of dye interact, the edges bleed out in a subtle haze or leave a crisp line, showing the varied characteristics of the fiber and dyes.

The process involves folding the fabric carefully, then placing wood blocks on either side of the folded fabric. Pressure is then put on the blocks by using various methods of binding and clamping. By then immersing the bound fabric into the dye bath, the contrasting background creates a field out of which the luminous resist dyed shapes glow. The mirroring back and forth of the pattern creates a rhythm of pattern. This centuries old technique is thought to have originated in Japan.

Itajime is a laborious and physical dye process involving the elements fire and water, and requiring several days to complete the entire process. It can draw one in as the bold pattern seems to emit light.

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