
A nagajuban (長襦袢, long juban) is a kimono-like underrobe. Constructed similarly to a kimono

Silk Nagajyuban – Tsuru (鶴 Crane)

Silk Nagajyuban – Tsuru (鶴 Crane)


Red colored beautiful Silk Nagajyuban with crane patterns.

This product can be worn as a nightgown, a robe sleepwear and as a modern everyday wardrobe, just like a long cardigan or a jacket to match your jeans and leggings.

Length:  49.5 inches

Width: 47 inches

Sleeve Length: 24.5 inches

In Japan, the crane is a mystical creature and is believed to live for a thousand years.  The crane represents good fortune and longevity. 

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